2  A walkthrough to get started

This chapter walks through a short example of a targets-powered data analysis project. The source code is available at https://github.com/wlandau/targets-four-minutes, and you can visit https://rstudio.cloud/project/3946303 to try out the code in a web browser (no download or installation required). The documentation website links to other examples. The contents of the chapter are also explained in a four-minute video tutorial:

2.1 About this example

The goal of this short analysis is to assess the relationship among ozone and temperature in base R’s airquality dataset. We track a data file, prepare a dataset, fit a model, and plot the model against the data.

2.2 File structure

The file structure of the project looks like this.

├── _targets.R
├── data.csv
├── R/
│   ├── functions.R

data.csv contains the data we want to analyze.


R/functions.R contains our custom user-defined functions. (See the functions chapter for a discussion of function-oriented workflows.)

# R/functions.R
get_data <- function(file) {
  read_csv(file, col_types = cols()) %>%

fit_model <- function(data) {
  lm(Ozone ~ Temp, data) %>%

plot_model <- function(model, data) {
  ggplot(data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = Temp, y = Ozone)) +
    geom_abline(intercept = model[1], slope = model[2])

2.3 Target script file

Whereas files data.csv and functions.R are typical user-defined components of a project-oriented workflow, the target script file _targets.R file is special. Every targets workflow needs a target script file to configure and define the pipeline.1 The use_targets() function in targets version >= 0.12.0 creates an initial target script with comments to help you fill it in. Ours looks like this:

# _targets.R file
tar_option_set(packages = c("readr", "dplyr", "ggplot2"))
  tar_target(file, "data.csv", format = "file"),
  tar_target(data, get_data(file)),
  tar_target(model, fit_model(data)),
  tar_target(plot, plot_model(model, data))

All target script files have these requirements.

  1. Load the packages needed to define the pipeline, e.g. targets itself.2
  2. Use tar_option_set() to declare the packages that the targets themselves need, as well as other settings such as the default storage format.
  3. Load your custom functions and small input objects into the R session: in our case, with source("R/functions.R").
  4. Write the pipeline at the bottom of _targets.R. A pipeline is a list of target objects, which you can create with tar_target(). Each target is a step of the analysis. It looks and feels like a variable in R, but during tar_make(), it will reproducibly store a value in _targets/objects/.
Start small

Even if you plan to create a large-scale heavy-duty pipeline with hundreds of time-consuming targets, it is best to start small. First create a version of the pipeline with a small number of quick-to-run targets, follow the sections below to inspect and test it, and then scale up to the full-sized pipeline after you are sure everything is working.

2.4 Inspect the pipeline

Before you run the pipeline for real, it is best to check for obvious errors. tar_manifest() lists verbose information about each target.

tar_manifest(fields = all_of("command"))
#> # A tibble: 4 × 2
#>   name  command                  
#>   <chr> <chr>                    
#> 1 file  "\"data.csv\""           
#> 2 data  "get_data(file)"         
#> 3 model "fit_model(data)"        
#> 4 plot  "plot_model(model, data)"

tar_visnetwork() displays the dependency graph of the pipeline, showing a natural left-to-right flow of work. It is good practice to make sure the graph has the correct nodes connected with the correct edges. Read more about dependencies and the graph in the dependencies section of a later chapter.


2.5 Run the pipeline

tar_make() runs the pipeline. It creates a reproducible new external R process which then reads the target script and runs the correct targets in the correct order.3

#> ▶ dispatched target file
#> ● completed target file [0.12 seconds, 2.89 kilobytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target data
#> ● completed target data [0.098 seconds, 1.355 kilobytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target model
#> ● completed target model [0.002 seconds, 111 bytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target plot
#> ● completed target plot [0.011 seconds, 91.859 kilobytes]
#> ▶ ended pipeline [0.328 seconds]

The output of the pipeline is saved to the _targets/ data store, and you can read the output with tar_read() (see also tar_load()).


The next time you run tar_make(), targets skips everything that is already up to date, which saves a lot of time in large projects with long runtimes.

#> ✔ skipped target file
#> ✔ skipped target data
#> ✔ skipped target model
#> ✔ skipped target plot
#> ✔ skipped pipeline [0.064 seconds]

You can use tar_visnetwork() and tar_outdated() to check ahead of time which targets are up to date.

#> character(0)

2.6 Changes

The targets package notices when you make changes to code and data, and those changes affect which targets rerun and which targets are skipped.4

2.6.1 Change code

If you change one of your functions, the targets that depend on it will no longer be up to date, and tar_make() will rebuild them. For example, let’s increase the font size of the plot.

# Edit functions.R...
plot_model <- function(model, data) {
  ggplot(data) +
    geom_point(aes(x = Temp, y = Ozone)) +
    geom_abline(intercept = model[1], slope = model[2]) +
    theme_gray(24) # Increased the font size.

targets detects the change. plot is “outdated” (i.e. invalidated) and the others are still up to date.

#> [1] "plot"

Thus, tar_make() reruns plot and nothing else.5

#> ✔ skipped target file
#> ✔ skipped target data
#> ✔ skipped target model
#> ▶ dispatched target plot
#> ● completed target plot [0.013 seconds, 93.677 kilobytes]
#> ▶ ended pipeline [0.238 seconds]

Sure enough, we have a new plot.


2.6.2 Change data

If we change the data file data.csv, targets notices the change. This is because file is a file target (i.e. with format = "file" in tar_target()), and the return value from last tar_make() identified "data.csv" as the file to be tracked for changes. Let’s try it out. Below, let’s use only the first 100 rows of the airquality dataset.

write_csv(head(airquality, n = 100), "data.csv")

Sure enough, raw_data_file and everything downstream is out of date, so all our targets are outdated.

#> [1] "file"  "plot"  "data"  "model"
#> ▶ dispatched target file
#> ● completed target file [0.12 seconds, 1.884 kilobytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target data
#> ● completed target data [0.097 seconds, 1.002 kilobytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target model
#> ● completed target model [0.002 seconds, 112 bytes]
#> ▶ dispatched target plot
#> ● completed target plot [0.012 seconds, 92.82 kilobytes]
#> ▶ ended pipeline [0.348 seconds]

2.7 Read metadata


See the performance chapter for options, settings, and other choices to make the pipeline more efficient. This chapter also has guidance for monitoring the progress of a running pipeline.

  1. By default, the target script is a file called _targets.R in the project’s root directory. However, you can set the target script file path to something other than _targets.R. You can either set the path persistently for your project using tar_config_set(), or you can set it temporarily for an individual function call using the script argument of tar_make() and related functions.↩︎

  2. target scripts created with tar_script() automatically insert a library(targets) line at the top by default.↩︎

  3. In targets version and above, you can set the path of the local data store to something other than _targets/. A project-level _targets.yaml file keeps track of the path. Functions tar_config_set() and tar_config_get() can help.↩︎

  4. Internally, special rules called “cues” decide whether a target reruns. The tar_cue() function lets you suppress some of these cues, and the tarchetypes package supports nuanced cue factories and target factories to further customize target invalidation behavior. The tar_cue() function documentation explains cues in detail, as well as specifics on how targets detects changes to upstream dependencies.↩︎

  5. We would see similar behavior if we changed the R expressions in any tar_target() calls in the target script file.↩︎