Chapter 10 Validating a small hierarchical model with Stan

The goal of this example workflow is to validate a small Bayesian hierarchical model.

y_i ~ iid Normal(alpha + x_i * beta, sigma^2)
alpha ~ Normal(0, 1)
beta ~ Normal(0, 1)
sigma ~ Uniform(0, 1)

We simulate multiple datasets from the model and fit the model on each dataset. For each model fit, we determine if the 50% credible interval of the regression coefficient beta contains the true value of beta used to generate the data. If we implemented the model correctly, roughly 50% of the models should recapture the true beta in 50% credible intervals.

10.1 The drake project

Because of the long computation time involved, this chapter of the manual does not actually run the analysis code. The complete code can be found at and downloaded with drake::drake_example("stan"), and we encourage you to try out the code yourself. This chapter serves to walk through the functions and plan and explain the overall thought process.

The file structure is that of a typical drake project with some additions to allow optional high-performance computing on a cluster.

├── run.R
├── _drake.R
├── sge.tmpl
├── R/
├──── packages.R
├──── functions.R
├──── plan.R
├── stan/
├──── model.stan
└── report.Rmd
File Purpose Shell script to run run.R in a persistent background process. Works on Unix-like systems. Helpful for long computations on servers.
run.R R script to run r_make().
_drake.R The special R script that powers functions r_make() and friends (details here).
sge.tmpl A clustermq template file to deploy targets in parallel to a Sun Grid Engine cluster.
R/packages.R A custom R script loading the packages we need.
R/functions.R A custom R script with user-defined functions.
R/plan.R A custom R script that defines the drake plan.
stan/model.stan The specification of our Stan model.
report.Rmd An R Markdown report summarizing the results of the analysis.

The following sections walk through the functions and plan.

10.2 Functions

Good functions have meaningful inputs and outputs that are easy to generate. For data anlaysis, good inputs and outputs are typically datasets, models, and summaries of fitted models. The functions below for our Stan workflow follow this pattern.

First, we need a function to compile the model. It accepts a Stan model specification file (a *.stan text file) and returns a paths to both the model file and the compiled RDS file. (We need to set rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE) to make sure stan_model() generates the RDS file.) We return the file paths because the target that uses this function will be a dynamic file target. drake will reproducibly watch these files for changes and automatically recompile and run the model if changes are detected.

compile_model <- function(model_file) {
  stan_model(model_file, auto_write = TRUE, save_dso = TRUE)
  c(model_file, path_ext_set(model_file, "rds"))

Next, we need a function to simulate a dataset from the hierarchical model.

simulate_data <- function() {
  alpha <- rnorm(1, 0, 1)
  beta <- rnorm(1, 0, 1)
  sigma <- runif(1, 0, 1)
  x <- rbinom(100, 1, 0.5)
  y <- rnorm(100, alpha + x * beta, sigma)
  tibble(x = x, y = y, beta_true = beta)

Lastly, we write a function to fit the compiled model to a simulated dataset. We pass in the *.stan model specification file, but rstan is smart enough to use the compiled RDS model file instead if available.

In Bayesian data analysis workflows with many runs of the same model, we need to make a conscious effort to conserve computing resources. That means we should not save all the posterior samples from every single model fit. Instead, we compute summary statistics on the chains such as posterior quantiles, coverage in credible intervals, and convergence diagnostics.

fit_model <- function(model_file, data) {
  # From,
  # we need each stanfit object to have its own unique name, so we create
  # a special new environment for it.
  tmp_envir <- new.env(parent = baseenv())
  tmp_envir$model <- stan_model(model_file, auto_write = TRUE, save_dso = TRUE)
  tmp_envir$fit <- sampling(
    object = tmp_envir$model,
    data = list(x = data$x, y = data$y, n = nrow(data)),
    refresh = 0
  mcmc_list <- As.mcmc.list(tmp_envir$fit)
  samples <-
  beta_25 <- quantile(samples$beta, 0.25)
  beta_median <- quantile(samples$beta, 0.5)
  beta_75 <- quantile(samples$beta, 0.75)
  beta_true <- data$beta_true[1]
  beta_cover <- beta_25 < beta_true && beta_true < beta_75
  psrf <- max(gelman.diag(mcmc_list, multivariate = FALSE)$psrf[, 1])
  ess <- min(effectiveSize(mcmc_list))
    beta_cover = beta_cover,
    beta_true = beta_true,
    beta_25 = beta_25,
    beta_median = beta_median,
    beta_75 = beta_75,
    psrf = psrf,
    ess = ess

10.3 Plan

Our drake plan is defined in the R/plan.R script.

plan <- drake_plan(
  model_file = target(
    format = "file",
    hpc = FALSE
  index = target(
    seq_len(10), # Change the number of simulations here.
    hpc = FALSE
  data = target(
    dynamic = map(index),
    format = "fst_tbl"
  fit = target(
    fit_model(model_file[1], data),
    dynamic = map(data),
    format = "fst_tbl"
  report = target(
      output_file = file_out("report.html"),
      quiet = TRUE
    hpc = FALSE

The following subsections describe the strategy and practical adjustments behind each target.

10.3.1 Model

The model_files target is a dynamic file target to reproducibly track our Stan model specification file (stan/model.stan) and compiled model file (stan/model.rds). Below, format = "file" indicates that the target is a dynamic file target, and hpc = FALSE tells drake not to run the target on a parallel worker in high-performance computing scenarios.

model_files = target(
  format = "file",
  hpc = FALSE

10.3.2 Index

The index target is simply a numeric vector from 1 to the number of simulations. To fit our model multiple times, we are going to dynamically map over index. This is a small target and we do not want to waste expensive computing resources on it, so we set hpc = FALSE.

index = target(
  seq_len(1000), # Change the number of simulations here.
  hpc = FALSE

10.3.3 Data

data is a dynamic target with one sub-target per simulated dataset, so we write dynamic = map(index) below. In addition, these datasets are data frames, so we choose format = "fst_tbl" below to increase read/write speeds and conserve storage space. Read here for more on specialized storage formats.

data = target(
  dynamic = map(index),
  format = "fst_tbl"

10.3.4 Fit

We want to fit our model once for each simulated dataset, so our fit target dynamically maps over the datasets with dynamic = map(data). We also pass in the path to the stan/model.stan specification file, but rstan is smart enough to use the compiled model stan/model.rds instead if available. And since fit_model() returns a data frame, we also choose format = "fst_tbl" here.

fit = target(
  fit_model(model_files[1], data),
  dynamic = map(data),
  format = "fst_tbl"

10.3.5 Report

R Markdown reports should never do any heavy lifting in drake pipelines. They should simply leverage the computationally expensive work done in the previous targets. If we follow this good practice and our report renders quickly, we should not need heavy computing resources to process it, and we can set hpc = FALSE below.

The report.Rmd file itself has loadd() and readd() statements to refer to these targets, and with the knitr_in() keyword below, drake knows that it needs to update the report when the models or datasets change. Similarly, file_out("report.html") tells drake to rerun the report if the output file gets corrupted.

report = target(
    output_file = file_out("report.html"),
    quiet = TRUE
  hpc = FALSE

10.4 Try it out!

The complete code can be found at and downloaded with drake::drake_example("stan"), and we encourage you to try out the code yourself.

Copyright Eli Lilly and Company